NYU Stern - NYU Shanghai Joint Programs On Campus Coffee Chat For NYUSH Students

    Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 2:00 PM until 3:00 PMChina Standard Time UTC +08:00

    W764 Room, Grad Admissions, NYU Shanghai New Bund Campus,
    567 West Yangsi Road, Pudong
    Shanghai, Shanghai 200124

    NYU Stern - NYU Shanghai are jointly offering four business MS programs: MS in Data Analytics and Business Computing(MSDABC), MS in Quantitative Finance(MSQF), MS in Organization Management and Strategy(MSOMS), and MS in Marketing and Retail Science(MSMRS).

    Join us on November 29th at 2:00 - 3:00 PM to learn more about our unique graduate business programs and admissions process. During the event, the admissions officers will start by giving a short presentation about the program. After that, you can join us on current students sharing. In-person consultations with admissions officers will also be provided. 

    Event Language: English
    Location:  NYU Shanghai New Bund Campus 上海纽约大学前滩校区
    567 West Yangsi Road, Pudong District 杨思西路567号
    W764 Room 西楼764室

    Registration is no longer available because the registration deadline has passed.